Washington Yacht Club: Rental Keelboat Check-Out Sheet

  1. Name of skipper:_________________ Rating:(Novice / Skipper)

    Home telephone:___________ Business telephone:___________

  2. Boat Name/Type:___________________________________________
  3. Crew

    Names: Telephone numbers:
    ______________________ _______________________________
    ______________________ _______________________________
    ______________________ _______________________________
    ______________________ _______________________________
    ______________________ _______________________________

  4. Trip: Depart from ______________ on (date) _______________

    going to ___________________ or ______________________
    Expect to return by (hour/date)_______________________

  5. If not returned by ______________ call ___________________

    or ___________________________________________________
    (Who you will call if you can't bring the boat back on time. Not CG, 911 or Harbor Patrol)

  6. Name, address, and phone number of person responsible for filing this sheet if the boat departs from elsewhere than the WAC:______________

    ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

  7. Time of return:_______________ date:______________________
  8. Damage noted or maintenance needed, yes or no (circle one). (If yes fill out repair form)


(I)(We), the undersigned, in consideration for the privilege of using the facilities of the Washington Yacht Club, hereby release the club, the Associated Students of the University of Washington, and the University of Washington from any responsibility for any injury to myself or my property which may result during my use of those facilities. (I)(We) further agree to hold the club, the ASUW, and the U of W harmless from any claim arising out of my use of those facilities. By my signature, I hereby accept absolute liablility for my equitably proportionate share of the cost of repairs to any property of the club damaged while in my use.

I verify I CAN SWIM or I WILL WEAR a Coast Guard Approved Life Vest AT ALL TIMES ON A WYC BOAT.

Guest's signature(s): __________________________________________
WYC member (witness): _____________________________ rating:_________


I certify that I have sighted the above items except as noted below and will be responsible for their proper return.

DATE _______ SIGNATURE _______________________ RATING __________

Note: The person last checking out a boat will be responsible for missing items unless those items are listed below at the time of check out. Contact Quatermaster to replace lost items.__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Roy Ward
Email -- contact@roybward.net
Web -- http://roybward.net/~royward/index.shtml (HTML originated 1993)
Last Modified: Friday, 15-Nov-2013 09:07:22 PST